There's a few things you need to know before submitting your story. Quality is super important and so is authenticity. Be sure to write in a word processor first , then copy/paste it here so you don't lose your work in the event of a glitch or lost connection.
There is no right or wrong way to do this. The grief story you choose to share is but a fraction of the wholeness of you who are. Your story will change each time you sit down to write. Whatever you choose to share with us here will be the perfect medicine for someone and the perfect time. Please don't compare yourself with anyone else and allow the authentic flow of your story to emerge from your heart.
LENGTH: Any length of story is considered acceptable; I can’t bring myself to censor your expression. If you want a guideline you can play with 500-1500 words. It could be a short paragraph, or a novel.
INCLUDE: Please include your first + last name along with any website or social media links if you want readers to be able to know who you are and follow you. You may alternately choose to have just your first name published for more anonymity. Please specify in your entry which you prefer.
PRIVACY: If you want to share a story but would rather it be published anonymously due to sensitive content in your story you would rather keep private, that is perfectly fine. Please enter your real name with your story and we will find an alternate name and photo to use when publishing.
EDITING: All stories are read by the curator and subject to editing for grammar and punctuation, however your content will not be changed.
*PHOTO: We aim for a cohesive tone with our photos. Please submit a close-up of your face, with eyes looking at the camera and preferably more of a neutral expression. This seems to capture a deep sense of power. It can be a "Selfie" taken with any smart phone or a professional shot. Please send originals that you have rights to use with the highest resolution possible.
New stories are added to the site at least once per month.